This event will
be held from May 30 to June 3, 2016 in Perpignan, France,organized by
the University of Perpignan
Via Domitia which is one of the oldest universities in Europe. The
main aim of this conference is to
identify new trends in the domains of Applied Mathematics and
Mechanics, and their Applications in Physics, Engineering Sciences,
Biology and Economy. The
conference will bring together mathematicians, interdisciplinary
scientists and
engineers from all over the world. It will be a scientifically
enriching and
socially exciting event hosted in the South of France, on the
Mediterranean Coast.
The conference will consist of
talks, keynotes lectures, minisymposia and contributed
short talks on recent results and
challenges in the field. The abstract of accepted presentation will be
published in the conference abstracts book. Moreover, selected and peer
papers will be included in a book of proceedings and to be published by
Springer as well as in special issues of the
international journal Applicable Analysis and Mathematics and Mechanics
of Solids.
Contributing participants are required to
submit the LATEX and PDF files
of the abstract of their talk by using the templates enclosed
also the sample).
Please use [name-C.tex] and [name-C.pdf] to name these files. Address : Deadline :
January 1, 2016.
Notification of acceptance will be provided not later than February 1,
Participants invited in mini-symposia will submit
their abstract
directly to the mini-symposium organizers.Details
on the format and deadline will be provided in November 2015.
We look forward to seeing you in Perpignan in May 2016.